Find the Area of a Circle if You Know That the Circumference Is 25 Centimeters.

Circumference of Circle

The circumference of a circle is the perimeter of the circumvolve. It is the total length of the boundary of the circumvolve. The circumference of a circle is the product of the constant π and the diameter of the circle. A person walking beyond a round park, or a circular table to be bordered requires this metric of the circumference of a circle. The circumference is a linear value and its units are the same as the units of length.

A circle is a round closed figure where all its boundary points are equidistant from a stock-still point called the center. The two important metrics of a circle is the area of a circle and the circumference of a circle. Hither nosotros shall aim at understanding the formula and adding of the circumference of a circle.

1. What is Circumference of a Circumvolve?
2. Circumference of Circle Formula
3. How to Find the Circumference of Circle?
4. Circumference to Diameter
5. FAQs Circumference of Circle?

What is Circumference of a Circle?

The circumference of a circle is its boundary or the length of the consummate arc of a circle. Let us empathise this concept using an instance. Consider a circular park shown below.

Understanding Circumference of a Circle

If a boy starts running from bespeak 'A' and reaches the aforementioned betoken after taking one complete round of the park, a distance is covered by him. This distance or boundary is called the circumference of the park which is in the shape of a circle. The circumference is the length of the boundary.

Circumference of a Circle Definition

The circumference of a circumvolve refers to the measure of its boundary. If we open a circumvolve and measure out the boundary just similar nosotros mensurate a straight line, we get the circumference of the circle in terms of units of length similar centimeters, meters, or kilometers.

Now let usa learn nearly the elements that make up circumference. These are the three virtually important elements of a circle.

  • Center: The center of the circle is a point that is at a fixed distance from any other bespeak from the circumference.
  • Diameter: The diameter is the distance across the circle through the center, it is a line that meets the circumference at both ends and it needs to pass through the heart.
  • Radius: The radius of a circle is the distance from the center of a circumvolve to any signal on the circumference of the circle.

Circumference of Circumvolve Formula

The formula for the circumference of a circle is expressed using the radius 'r' of the circle and the value of 'pi'. It is expressed as, Circumference of a circumvolve formula = 2πr. While using this circumference formula, if nosotros do not have the value of the radius, we tin find information technology using the diameter. That is, if the diameter is known, information technology can be divided past 2 to obtain the value of the radius because of the bore of a circle = 2 × radius. Another manner to calculate the circumference of a circle is by using the formula: Circumference = π × Bore. If we need to summate the radius or diameter, when the circumference of a circle is given, we use the formula: Radius = Circumference/2π

How to Find the Circumference of Circle?

Although the circumference of a circle is the length of its boundary, it cannot be calculated with the help of a ruler (scale) like it is normally done for other polygons. This is because a circle is a curved figure. Therefore, to calculate the circumference of a circle, nosotros use a formula that uses the radius or the bore of the circle and the value of Pi (π).

Circumference of a Circle showing the radius and diameter

Pi is a special mathematical constant with a value approximated to 3.14159 or π = 22/7. The value of π = 22/seven is used in various formulas. It is the ratio of circumference to diameter, where C = πD. Permit us consider a practical illustration to sympathise how to calculate the circumference of a circumvolve with the help of the circumference formula.

Case: If the radius of the circle is 25 units, find the circumference of the circle. (Take π = three.14)

Solution: Given, radius = 25 units
Let us write the circumference formula and and then we volition substitute the value of r (radius) in it.
Circumference of circle formula = 2πr
C = 2 × π × 25
C = ii × 3.14 × 25 = 157 units
Therefore, the circumference of a circle is 157 units.

Circumference to Diameter

The circumference to diameter of a circumvolve is a ratio used to ascertain the standard definition of Pi (π). If you know the diameter 'd' of a circumvolve, and so y'all tin can easily detect the circumference C using the relation: C = πd. So, when the circumference C is placed in a ratio with the diameter d, the answer we become is π.

Important Notes on Circumference of a Circle

  • π(Pi) is a mathematical abiding that is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is approximated to π = 22/7or 3.14
  • If the radius of a circle is extended farther and touches the purlieus of the circle, it becomes the diameter of a circle. Therefore, Bore = 2 × Radius
  • The circumference is the distance effectually a circle or the length of a circle.
  • We can find the circumference of a circumvolve using the radius or diameter.
  • Circumference formula = π× Diameter; Circumference = 2πr.

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FAQs on Circumference of Circle

What is the Circumference of a Circle in Geometry?

The circumference of a circle is the measure of the boundary or the length of the consummate arc of a circle. The circumference of the circle is the product of π (pi) and the diameter of the circumvolve. The circumference of a circumvolve is a linear quantity that has the aforementioned units of length.

How to Notice the Circumference of a Circle?

The circumference of a circumvolve is calculated with the help of the circumference formula that needs the value of the radius of the circle and the value of π (pi). Circumference of a circumvolve = 2πr, where, 'r' is the radius of the circle and π(pi) is a special mathematical constant with a value approximated to 3.14159 or π = 22/vii.

How to Find the Diameter From the Circumference of a Circle?

If nosotros need to calculate the diameter when the circumference of a circle is given, we use the formula: Circumference = π × Diameter, or, Diameter = Circumference/π

How to Find the Circumference of the Circumvolve with the Surface area?

The circumference of a circle can exist calculated if the area of the circle is given. Using the formula for the expanse of a circumvolve the radius can be calculated. In one case the radius is known, the circumference can be calculated. Area of circle = πr2, \(radius = \sqrt{\frac{A}{\pi}}\), and C = 2πr = 2\(\pi\sqrt{\frac{A}{\pi}}\).

What is the Unit of the Circumference of a Circle?

The circumference of the circle is a one-dimensional linear quantity and the unit of the circumference of a circumvolve is expressed in m, inch, cm, feet, and then on. The circumference of a circle is related to other linear quantities such as the radius and diameter of the circumvolve.

What is the Perimeter of the Circle?

The perimeter of a circle is the same as the circumference of a circumvolve. It is the total length of the outer boundary of the circle. The perimeter or circumference of a circle is the product of the constant 'pi' and the diameter of the circle. Information technology is expressed in linear units like m, inch, cms, feet.

What is the Value of Pi?

Pi is a constant value used for the measurement of the area and circumference of a circumvolve or other circular figures. The symbol of pi is π and its numeric value is equal to 22/7 or 3.fourteen. Further, these numeric values are used based on the context of the equation.

What is the Departure Between the Diameter and the Circumference of a Circle?

The diameter of the circle is the longest chord that passes through the middle of the circumvolve. The circumference of the circumvolve is the length of the outer boundary of the circle. Both the diameter and the circumference are lengths and are expressed in linear units. The circumference of the circumvolve is equal to the product of the bore and the constant π (pi).

How to Detect the Circumference of a Circle with Bore?

The circumference of the circle can exist calculated if the diameter is known considering the relationship between the circumference and diameter of the circle is expressed equally, Circumference = π × Bore, or, bore = Circumference/π.


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