How to Get Master Mixer Again for Fl Studio

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You heard of FL Studio and how it is an crawly sequencing program then yous decided to take the plunge and buy it. You fire it up and realize, "I accept no thought where annihilation is or how it works." Well thankfully for you lot my friend nosotros are going to encompass the FL Studio's mixer from head to toe and to operate it with lightning speed! If you are ready to get mixing then dive on in!

The Mixer Window

Before we can begin to tackle the ins and outs of the mixer (literally), nosotros beginning need a practiced understanding of the mixer's layout and how the different sections function. What we demand is a map. All the same, a map doesn't do u.s.a. much proficient if we don't know where to find information technology in the first place! Here are two simple ways to access the mixer inside FL Studio...

  • The easiest style to access the mixer is by pressing the shortcut F9. This will hide and show the mixer from its concluding location on the screen.
  • If you are more of a push button person, simply click the mixer icon on the tool bar at the top of the screen.

Now that nosotros accept the mixer window bachelor to use, lets briefly clarify the different major sections and get an idea of what they are all about...

  1. This is your principal channel for FL Studio. Ultimately, all of your audio that you will laissez passer through this fader before going to your speakers or headphones.
  2. These are your general workhorse channels inside FL Studio. Each of your instruments, synths, samples, etc. will about likely pass through one of these tracks. While I am just showing a few here, y'all can have up to 99 of these tracks in a given projection.
  3. These are your auxiliary transport tracks inside FL Studio. These tracks function almost exactly the aforementioned equally your standard tracks except that they are meant specifically for either FX processing or boosted audio outputs. Why you enquire? Ane such instance would exist a reverb channel for your whole mix instead of having the aforementioned plugin on every single channel.
  4. This final department sort of the dynamic area of FL Studio'due south mixer. As you select unlike channels this section volition reflect more data nearly that channel such equally furnishings, larger peak meter, etc.

With these larger sections in listen, lets delve deeper the working of the mixer.

Channel Features

What is nice almost only whatsoever mixer is that in one case you lot sympathize how one channel works, you lot understand how they all work! Lets look at each part in a given channel and what it is they practice...

  1. This is your generic mixer channel which has various tools to help you when yous mix. Starting at the elevation we have a tiptop meter for volume, followed by a pan control; so far pretty generic. Next we take a mute switch represent by the trivial dark-green light. Nonetheless keep in mind while well-nigh DAWs have the mutes light up when agile, FL Studio mutes are when the green lite is off; think of information technology low-cal a disarm more than a mute.

    Continuing downwards the line we accept the volume fader, a stereo separation knob, phase capsize, and stereo swap. The stereo separation knob tin be used to either completely remove the eye from your stereo image or to make the channel true mono. The phase invert and stereo swap manifestly do as the names suggest.

    Finally at the lesser we have a few icons with one labeled FX, another showing a clock, and another a floppy disk. The FX icon when clicked on or off will turn off or on all the effects for that particular channel at in one case; this is useful if you want to temporarily disengage an entire FX chain. The clock icon will activate the delay bounty for that channel and finally the deejay icon will arm that particular channel for audio recording.

  2. The IN section of your aqueduct will choose which audio input from your sound card/interface you wish to record from if you are using microphones. You lot tin choose either stereo inputs (say microphone 1 and two) or simple mono inputs. The dialog will reflect the options available to your detail sound card/interface.
  3. These are your FX inserts for your selected aqueduct. Simply clicking on the pull down box will reveal all the plugins you currently have loaded into FL Studio. At the end of each insert you take once more the mute light with the addition of a mix knob. This knob will allow you to alloy your FX with the original signal before going on to the next FX insert.
  4. Hither we have a admittedly redundant section in FL Studios mixer. Bated from the nice add-on of a parametric EQ nosotros have the verbal aforementioned controls as we did in department 1. The stereo separation, pan, phase, swap, filibuster compensation and aqueduct gain controls are all hither and if you move them hither you will seem them move in section ane too.
  5. Finally we come up to the output section of our selected channel. Ordinarily this section is set to (none) in which case it will output to the main channel. Notwithstanding say your channel was meant to be a headphone send to an boosted output on your interface, you could send it from here.

Hopefully now yous accept a much better grasp over what the functions of the mixer are and where they are located. Still that is only half the battle every bit you at present need to discover a way to really bring in a sound source to a mixer track. Lets look at how to do this too as look at some internal routing quirks that FL Studio's mixer has.

Mixer Routing

Starting time and foremost we will need an audio source to route into our mixer. In FL Studio there are common two means you can attain this. Lets accept a look at these two methods for routing sound into the mixer.

  • The quickest and flashiest method is to utilise the plugin picker to select your synth. To practice this either click your center mouse button or press CTRL+F8 and you should see all your available plugins appear before you. Next just select the plugin you wish and drop it on a mixer track. This will then assign the synth to that particular mixer rails too as rename it and color the rails.

  • Your alternate method is to manually load the synth and assign information technology to a aqueduct. To do this, go to the step sequencer menu and correct click one of the samplers, synths, etc. and select either insert or supervene upon. From hither y'all tin can choose your synth.

When you exercise this your synth should automatically feed itself into the master channel which of course is not what we desire. To assign it to a dissimilar channel click the synth and y'all should run across both the synth and a split up dialog box chosen Channel settings appear. In the peak left corner there is a routing box labeled 'FX'. But click and drag this box to choose between the diverse mixer tracks. Annotation however that the mixer tracks do not modify name or color when you use this method so go on in mind where you are routing your sound to!

Now that we take our synth successfully routed into the mixer we tin look at some of the internal routing in the mixer. As with the other feature of the mixer, one time yous understand how this works on one aqueduct you can apply information technology to all the channels. Then with that in mind permit?southward start run into how exactly our mixer track is going to the principal channel.

Select your synths mixer track and take notation of the small downward yellow arrow towards the bottom of the channel. This indicates that the channel output is being sent somewhere inside the mixer. If you would then wait over at your master aqueduct (without unselecting your synth rails!) you will see an upward yellowish pointer with a gain knob. This is where your mixer rail is existence sent to and the gain knob controls how much of the signal is being passed on. If you have e'er used an aux send in another DAW this is essentially the same function.

Generally speaking you lot will always want your tracks to send to the master aqueduct except in cases where you desire to send multiple tracks to a kiss before they go onto the main. For the sake of case let's run into how we would buss multiple tracks to one runway before going to the master.

  • With your synth track nonetheless selected y'all volition notice the Send1,2,3,4 tracks also have proceeds knobs.
  • Turn off the main send gain (click the yellow pointer in the master channel) and plow up your synth tracks gain knob into Send1

What you lot essentially are doing is sending the output of your synth track to Send1, and so Send1 will go to the primary channel. You might yourself be asking, "Only why?" Well think of information technology this style. Say you accept all your different drums each on their ain separate track and your drum mix is perfect; except for the fact that it is too loud. Do you desire to risk manually turning down every pulsate rails proportionally? Or would you lot rather turn down your Drum Buss fader on Send1, which in plow will plough down the overall volume of every drum while leaving your drum mix itself untouched? Sounding pretty proficient right now isn't it?

Finally lets await at one concluding related characteristic chosen side chaining. Side chaining a process by which we use one channels audio to command another channels plugins. If you have e'er heard the pumping effect in a trance runway then you have heard someone use side chaining. I won't dive into specifics, only if you want a plugin to recognize another mixer track for a side chain here is what you exercise...

  • Select the track you lot wish to command the side chain plugin (our synth rails for example).
  • Activate the send from your synth track into the channel with the side chaining plugin. To do this simply click the grayed out upwardly pointer on the destination rails.
  • Next turn the gain knob on the destination rail all the way to 0.

Now at first glance this may seem a petty foreign, peculiarly if yous are coming from a DAW such as Pro Tools. Essentially what we are doing is sending our rail to another aqueduct similar normal, but nosotros are turning the volume downwards to 0. In FL Studio, when the ship gain is at 0 it treats it as a side chain instead. From here you should exist able to select your Synth track inside a side concatenation plugin. Like I said before FL Studio has some odd quirks and this is by far one of the more prevalent ones.


And so what have we learned? FL Studio's mixer has a handy fix of tools that are available on every track inside the mixer. The mixer does have some odd quirks on how information technology handles internal routing but it isn't anything besides far out of left field. Earlier I go out you I want to requite you lot some full general shortcuts particular to the mixer that may come in handy...

  • Alt + Left/Right - Moves the selected rail, plugins, and routing either left or right by one runway. Handy for reorganizing your mixer as your project gets more dense.
  • CTRL + L - Links your selected synth, sample, etc. to the selected mixer rail. Avoids having to use the Channel Settings window.
  • F2 - Alter selected tracks name and colour.
  • S - Solo currently selected track.

Again I hope yous tin can at present easily navigate FL Studio'south mixer and will never have to worry well-nigh those things once again. Thanks for reading!

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